My name is James and I absolutely live and breathe all things photography! As far as I can remember, I have been taking photos, whether it was with Grandpa’s Kodak camera, my polaroid camera I received for my 11th birthday (granted, it was a hand me down) or my collection of disposable cameras I picked up at the mall – I absolutely loved to take pics.
I started this website to simplify this misunderstood art of taking and processing photographs I love as well as for them to truly understand the technical aspect of taking a photograph that makes a mile of a difference in creating memorable photos that you will be able to enjoy throughout the years.
I heavily research all aspects of photography in order to provide the best articles possible as well and am constantly learning new courses in order to provide you with the best and most relevant content possible.
Here’s the deal:
If you do not know what Shutter Speed, ISO or Aperture actually do…
If you get blurry pictures all the time…
If you’re confused by all the types of lenses out there and what every lens is using for…
Then you’re in the right place.
That’s where I here at Photographer Touch come in.
Everything I publish is super actionable and designed to help you take your photography to the next level (up to a certain level obviously).
Now it’s the time to follow us and say “hey” on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
Address: 701 Huron Ave, San Francisco, CA 94112, USA
Phone (text only): 404-406-1542
Email: [email protected]